Earth Training 4 Stop Imagining Garbage download
Stop Imagining Garbage To begin with, in the region of 99.9999.....% of what the human mind thinks and believes is either incorrect or complete garbage. At first, this observation might appear to be outrageous nonsense. But the purpose of this trainin
Earth Training 3 Connect With Your Guides download
Connect With Your Guides You are not alone, although the behaviour of your human mind frequently gives you the impression that you are. In reality you are permanently in the company of an amazing team of Guiding Spirits, who are there to assist you.D
Earth Training 2 Calm The Mind download
Calm The Mind Higher Awareness requires a calm clear mind. Traditional urban meditation practices make this occasionally possible in very calm secluded locations. The new standard you require is to be able to do this reliably and consistently in deman
Earth Training 10 Introduction To Free Will download
Introduction To Free Will Human minds naively tend to believe that they have Free Will. This is because they have no experience of it and therefore tend to imagine that they have it. Consequently the human mind has almost no control over the life
Earth Training 1 Breathe Properly download
Breathe Properly Breathing properly is an essential part of accessing higher awareness and hence Free Will. This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of spiritual development, and one of the most vital, This lesson is the foundation for so much th
1 - 2 - 1 Training
1 – 2 – 1 Training You are experiencing the Earth through an amazing special effects vehicle known as a human body. Each human body has been given a set of unique challenges and potential abilities.Get personalised operating guidance from your dedica